Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

Customer Commitment – the only way to produce high quality product, deliver it on time, and provide exceptional service is to have exceptional team members, and StenTech's team is 100% committed to our customers.

Read what some of our customers are saying about us

We have been doing business with StenTech for over 3 years and have never had a complaint. StenTech has always provided a quick and prompt on time delivery. The employees are always a pleasure to communicate with and their professionalism and quality-first mentality definitely carry over to their product. StenTech's knowledge of stencil technology and applications have helped us with DOE projects and provided ideas that have improved our processes. Their willingness to work with us and their quality has created a long lasting relationship.

-Billy Klinger

Circuit Technology Inc.

A+++ Excellence Service! Best overall service we have had when ordering any of StenTech product line over the past 5 years of dealing with them. Next day delivery on stencils, this is superior against other stencil houses I have ordered from.

-Mark Martin

Assistant Engineering Mananger, BEI Electronics

I would like to express what a great job StenTech in Austin has done for Silicon Hills Design over last few years. All stencils orders have been on time and some times I can get a stencil the same day. All the guys have performed detailed work and have been able to create paste layers when customers cannot provide them. We also started using StenTech SMT fixtures and we have been pleased with the quality of the work.

-Mark Estorga

Silicon Hills Design, Inc.

StenTech service and customer focus are unparalleled. Very fast turnarounds, even when rushed, and prices that are very competitive. Your ability to solve our cutting plate problems (CNC milling services) was impressive. Thank you for being so courteous even when we are often very demanding.

-R. Doucet

Process Engineer, CAE Inc.

StenTech has a history of quick turnaround and dependable quality. They have always been helpful with diligent and professional service on special requests such as rush orders, custom stencil framing, reframing, and special designs for glue printing or pin through paste applications. We love doing business with StenTech.

-Christian Morining

M.Sc.A., President, Optimont Inc.

I'm happy to tell you that your service thus far has been excellent. The quality of your stencils have helped tighten our processes and your turnaround time has kept our customers happy. Overall, the experience has exceeded our expectations. Keep up the good work.

-Tom Ferrin

Techfabrik, Inc.